Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Learning About Sage: Part Two

If you read part one you will know I plan on cleansing my new house with sage, and a few other little tricks and treats I have up my sleeve. In part one I gathered my herbs (sage and lavender) and lay them out in the sun to dry and be blessed by the suns warm rays. Today we are going to make a smudge stick! I know, I know, so exciting: you must be jumping up and down and clapping your hands! No? That's just me? Well anyways...

The first step is to gather your herbs in a bundle and trim the ends to an even length.

 Gather them in a way that is easy to hold in one hand, as the other will be doing the wrapping. Wind some thread around the base, do quite a few rounds to get it all nice and secure.

Once you have a strong starting point you are going to wind the thread from BOTTOM to TOP like this:

When you get to the top turn around and do the same thing back down to the base, like this. You can do this step as many times as you want, in order to get the desired look you want. My first attempt was a little loose looking so I plan on doing a few more wraps of thread, it will burn better if it is nice and tight. Here is how it currently looks

Now you lay it out to dry for 4-5 days (I will wrap mine a bit more first), as you wait for Part Two where we learn how to use a smudge stick!

Many blessings,



  1. Im curious to see how you will actually do the house cleanse and what else you will use!

    1. Part Three is coming :) And you will lern about Moon water...

  2. I actually find them easier to burn and smoke better if they aren't so tight so more air can get into it to fuel it. I definitely recommend smudging your house before moving in. I didn't here and then definitely needed to later down the road. It's helped MASSIVELY in the atmosphere in here. <3

    1. Oh really? That's good to know...someone told me mine looked "too loose" but I will just leave it then :) glad to hear it help with the house vibe! I've done it physically before and find it very affective

  3. Another great cleansing option is crystals in a spray bottle left on the sun (or moon) then spray that through your home. It leaves a bit of a different feel. Also just be careful with intentions you carry near smudge, it's strong juju, a medicine man cautioned me about harvesting it incorrectly and so just be sure to keep you intentions pure. Surely better to make your poem then buy it from someone you don't know for just that reason. Wishing you all the best in your new home. Live and light, m

    1. It was grown by me and harvested by me :) with happy intentions, string juju indeed....I forgot how much I love that word! Good tip on the crystals, I really like that idea! And it goes well with what is coming in part three actually :D
